"Jeanne fixed her gaze on the horizon. The borders of the sea reached out to those of the morning sky without a crease in the seam. It struck her as both never ending and finite, as if the ship were on a flat plane of water that could end abruptly."

Catherine Pettersson is the founder of the Stockholm Writers Festival, an annual meeting of emerging writers, industry experts and authors. She has written seven novels all of which have been expertly critiqued by the group.

In 2021, she signed her first publication contract for A Daughter of the King (Wild Rose Press), an historical fiction inspired by the story of Catherine’s own ancestor, Jeanne Denot. Denot was born in La Salpétrière, the notorious Parisian “home for wayward women.” She was one of hundreds of women shipped to the New World in the 1600s to be matched with husbands to help France gain a stronghold in the new territory.

A Daughter of the King was Shortlisted for the Eric Hoffer Award Grand Prize in 2022. Her manuscript, Clearly Invisible won the Manny Award and the R. Karl Largent Writing Award at the Midwest Writers Workshop in 2018.

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Learn more by visiting Catherine’s author site.